advanced cpanel security service
What is it?
Our Advanced cPanel Security Service is a once off security service for VPS (Virtual Provate Servers), VDS (Virtual Dedicated Servers) and PDS (Physical Dedicated Server) services running WHM/cPanel. This service includes installation and configuration of active threat scanning software, configuration of advanced protection mechanisms and outbound anti-spam protection.
What is included?
- Proactive file scanning for know malicious threats.
- Installation and configuration of anti RootKit software, including scheduled scanning with notifications
- Installation and configuration of advanced server firewall software
- Configuration of software to limit negative impact of compromised sites
- Scan of entire file system for threats, with a detailed report provided
Concerned your server might be compromised?
Had issues with websites being hacked?
Looking for an additional layer of security?

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a Host Geek customer to order this service?
No! We are more then happy to provide this service for any server service running WHM/cPanel on supported operating systems hosted by other providers.
I already have ‘Server Management’ – how is this service different?
Host Geek’s VPS services all include Server Management (and it can be added on to any VDS/PDS service as well), however this security service goes above and beyond the standard security configuration installed by default.
One of the core components of this service is the active scanning software, which proactively protects your server from malicious scripts
Will this service stop my websites from being defaced?
Not necessarily. The aim of this service is to identify any threats already on the server, and help protect against future threats. If your site is compromised via an insecure password for example, this service will not be able to stop unauthorised changes to your website.
Will this service prevent exploitation of my server?
No. It will however notify you of suspicious files that either exist or have been uploaded to the server, and will help stop exploits from being uploaded to the server. The scanning software cannot prevent all types of exploits being uploaded or run on the server, however it has a large and constantly updated database of exploit fingerprints.
Will you clean up my server with this service?
No. As part of this service we will scan the server for exploits, and will provide you with a detailed report of what is found. If you require assistance with removing existing exploits from the server, standard engineering hourly rates apply.
Which web script products will the service check for outdated version and report to me?
The software is currently able to check for outdated versions of the following web scripts:
Some great features include:
- Over 3000 known exploit script fingerprint matches (in addition to standard ClamAV detection)
- Known viruses via ClamAV
- Regular expression pattern matching to help identify known/unknown exploits
- Filename matching
- Suspicious file names
- Suspicious file types
- Binary exeuctables
- Some illegal web software installations
- Custom user specified regular expression patterns
- Comprehensive constant scanning of all user data – scans all user files as soon as they are modified
- Daily check for new Exploit Fingerprints
- Check for old version of popular web scripts (e.g. WordPress, Joomla, osCommerce)
- Bayes probability scanning – scans scripts and passes the contents through an algorithm which produces a probability as to whether it is an exploit
- Monitor files and directories for changes and send an email report of activity
- AbanteCart
- b2evolution
- ClipBucket
- CMS Made Simple
- CodeIgnitor
- Concrete5
- Contao CMS
- Coppermine Photo Gallery
- CubeCart
- Dolphin
- Dotclear
- Drupal
- e107
- Elgg
- Feng Office
- Gallery
- Invision Power Board
- Jcow CE
- Joomla Advanced Module Manager Ext
- Joomla Akeeba
- Joomla AllVideos
- Joomla Asynchronous Google Analytics Ext
- Joomla CDN for Joomla
- Joomla Community Builder
- Joomla Google Maps Ext
- Joomla JCE Ext
- Joomla JEvents
- Joomla Jomsocial
- Joomla Joomla LiveHelpNow Chat Ext
- Joomla K2
- Joomla Kunena
- Joomla Modules Anywhere Ext
- Joomla Phoca Gallery
- Joomla RAntiSpam Ext
- Joomla Rapid Contact Ext
- Joomla sh404SEF
- Joomla Simple Image Gallery
- Joomla Sourcerer Ext
- Joomla Tabs Ext
- Joomla
- Joomla XCloner Ext
- Joomla Xmap
- Kayako
- LimeSurvey
- Magento Community Edition
- MediaWiki
- MODX Revolution
- Moodle
- MyBB
- Noahs Classifieds
- Nucleus CMS
- Open Classiieds
- OpenCart
- Revive
- OSClass
- osCommerce
- osTicket
- ownCloud
- Oxwall
- PHP-Fusion
- phpBB
- phpList
- phpMyAdmin
- phpPgAdmin
- Piwigo
- Piwik
- PrestaShop
- Roundcube
- Seo Panel
- Serendipity
- SquirrelMail
- GNU Social
- SugarCRM Community Edition
- TomatoCart
- Typo3
- vBulletin
- VirtueMart
- WebCalendar
- WordPress
- WP Akismet Ext
- WP All In One WP Security & Firewall
- WP BackUpWordPress
- WP Better WP Security
- WP BulletProof Security
- WP Contact Form 7
- WP Facebook
- WP FD Feedburner
- WP Google Adsense Plugin
- WP Google XML Sitemaps
- WP Jetpack Ext
- WP NextGEN Gallery Ext
- WP Seo Ext
- WP Share This
- WP Sociable
- WP UpdraftPlus
- WP W3 Total Cache
- WP WooCommerce
- WP WordPress eShop
- WP WordPress s2Member
- WP WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
- WP WP Super Cache
- WP XCloner Ext
- Xoops
- Zen Cart
- ZenPhoto
- Zikula