We make the web work for you
Since 2005 we’ve been providing clients with affordable web hosting services all around the globe. We take care of the hassles of geeky stuff, while you concentrate on your business!
We provide reliable web hosting at affordable pricing, with an ongoing promise of support and assistance. Our services include domain name registration, shared hosting, VPS, reseller hosting and SHOUTcast stream hosting. We also offer a range of digital marketing services including SEO and content marketing.
With more than a decade of web hosting under our belt we have developed a highly experienced support team that know hosting like the back their hand. No matter what you ask us the chances that we’ve heard it before is high and will have your issue sorted fast.
We host websites and apps throughout the world with servers located within Australia and Singapore. We also have servers in Seattle, USA for our SHOUTcast (radio streaming) hosting.

Community involvement and support
Host Geek is proud of its community involvement and has built a solid history of getting behind a good cause from a range of areas including sports events, environmental events, education providers and more.
We’re always looking for new ways to assist worthy causes. If you have a not for profit website that helps the community or a community event you’d like sponsored then feel free to get in contact with us! Maybe we can help out?
Visit our sponsorship page for more information and to apply.
If you would like to discuss an opportunity please call us on +65 3125 1590.
Payment Options
Wire Transfer & Internet Bank Transfer
Company name: Host Geek SG Pte Ltd
Bank: DBS Bank
Bank Account.: 0749028343
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 074 (which is the first three numbers of the account number)
We also accept Mastercard, Visa, PayPal and PayNow. Please do not send cash by post.
Contact Details
Postal Address
7 Temasek Boulevard
#12-07 Suntec Tower One
Singapore 038987
Phone: +65 3125 1590
Email: support@hostgeek.com.sg
Reg No.: 201627419E